Programming courses

Between 2009-2017, I have periodically taught a programming course to people interested in becoming web developers. It was based on a curriculum I set up that covered five modules and that made web development accessible to those with interest and determination, without any technical prerequisites.
The modules generally included HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, and MySQL. Over the years, I taught 7 student cohorts (6 in Nicaragua and 1 cohort in South Africa), in a format that ranged from an intensive 2-month bootcamp to a more common 8-12 month course.
Urban metabolism teaching

Starting in 2017, I have gotten involved in the development of a number of a number of urban metabolism related courses, which were set up under the Metabolism of Cities umbrella and are made available as free and open courses through the Metabolism of Cities Education Hub. Courses include:
Urban Metabolism for Policy Makers (2017)
The first MOOC we launched at Metabolism of Cities, in partnership with the League of Cities of the Philippines and UN Environment. Course instructors: Aristide Athanassiadis and Paul Hoekman - Data and Urban Metabolism: Data Collection (2020)
- Data and Urban Metabolism: Data Processing (2020-2021 - development is ongoing)
- Metabolismo urbano y manejo de datos: RecopilaciĆ³n de datos (2020)
- Metabolismo urbano y manejo de datos: Procesamiento de datos (2020)